Máster Universitario en Dirección de Procesos Estratégicos

Máster Universitario en BPM para la Transformación Digital

viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

BPM CASE: Frutas Bean uses BPM on mobile devices to connect its widely dispersed employees and to improve product quality control.

The ease of integration of its AuraPortal BPM suite with other platforms and devices, has enabled the consultancy firm ACBP to provide "in situ" solutions for the fruit sector based on apps for mobile devices integrated with AuraPortal processes, thus making it possible to work on/off line.

Companies involved in working in the countryside, like Frutas Bean, have a very specific problem which is directly linked to the fact that the majority of employees work in different locations every day and, in many cases, have poor internet access. This created problems such as the use of information on paper (work reports, phytosanitary treatments…) and the lack of performance control of certain activities.

Frutas Bean now benefits from completely up to date information, at any moment, on work done in the field and uses this information to make informed decisions related to work optimization and cost control.

Download BPM Case Study: http://bit.ly/1yqXmVA

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