Máster Universitario en Dirección de Procesos Estratégicos

Máster Universitario en BPM para la Transformación Digital

miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2017

75% of the processes performed in the insurance sector can be digitized

According to estimates of Multiasistencia, up to 75% of processes in the insurance sector have the potential to be digitized, although it is estimated that currently only 30% of these processes have been automated. Microasistencia highlights the opportunities and challenges facing the sector to take advantage of the benefits of digitization:

1.- Omnicanality. It is necessary to make available to the insured all possible channels to interact throughout the process, guaranteeing their choice of use according to their preferences and promoting self-service according to their needs. Thus, it is necessary to take into account that the client prefers different channels according to the type of action he wants to do: compare, contract, claims, etc.

2.- Evolution of risk in a digital environment. Prevention, IoT appliances in the home will help limit the risk of damage. At the same time, the customer demands services beyond the risk coverage itself. In fact, more than 60% of people are willing to receive services as part of their premium and most are willing to pay for these services if they fit their profile. In this sense, the digitization helps to have more information to be able to adapt this type of services to the client.

3.- Differentiation of the operative. Real-time customer knowledge enables you to analyze it better. 20% of the insured produce 175% of the value of the industry and the operations must adapt automatically to this differentiation.

4.- Automation of processes. Multi-assistance has enabled and automated the key points of the claims management, such as the evaluation of coverages in opening, pre-assessment and assessment of the incident or the assignment of participants to eliminate handicrafts. This can lead to improvements in costs and efficiencies of tasks that are done manually today. A clear example we have in the declaration of the incident.

5.- Personalization of the offer: The greater knowledge of the client and the ease of arrival through new means (such as social networks) are favoring disruptive movements focused on specific clients. The challenge is how to create a product to the person and a premium tailored to each and keep the balance between managed risks.

6.- Internet Of Things (IoT) in Multi-Risks. The technological solutions and the IoT will give greater value to the home insurance policy since they have an impact on safety and cost savings, two aspects highly valued by the insured. Some applications are the installation of intelligent thermostats that allow to improve energy efficiency and reduce consumption, surveillance cameras that record images and store them in the cloud, programming the turning on and off of lights during vacation periods or the installation of different Types of detectors that improve technical safety and risk prevention, such as natural gas and CO2 detectors, fire, water and movement or window opening, which allows alerting of possible intrusion into the home.

7.- The collaborative economy, among other options, vacant housing rental (airbnb) requires the digitalisation of the risk quotation process and the search for a model of approach according to the occupation of the dwelling.

Article published for the first time in Spanish in: Madridcode.com http://bit.ly/2waajGd

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